The Sims 2 is, as you may have guessed, the sequel to The Sims.

The "Maxis Lost and Found" mods on ModTheSims has some interesting removed content, cover those here.Removed stuff in later expansion packs.Add information about cut content and oddities from forum thread "The Sims 2 development history" (russian: История разработки Симс 2) to this article.A lot of unused accessories is described here.Revisional changes via expansion packs there was a bug where a Sim can unexpectedly die.Show images for the removed features found in the files.There is a lot more unused stuff, especially in the basegame.I should mention this is a Windows 10 fix (and possibly Windows 11, idk) and I an Nvidia graphics card. Now, I don’t guarantee that this will fix everyone’s problems for good, and it’s not an invitation to throw all caution to the wind and overload your game with tons of high-poly stuff! It probably also depends on your computer, graphics card and amount/type of CC as well among other things, but if you are plagued by pink flashing and general instability, I recommend giving it a go. Since then, my game has been remarkably stable - it almost never crashes and I never get pink flashing from regular gameplay, even though I play well-decorated ‘hoods and lots and have quite a lot of CC, some of it high-poly. This fix is not often mentioned in guides, and I resisted doing it for a long time, until the flashing and crashing pushed me to take the plunge. Why is this important? Basically, Windows should be doing this on its own, but it isn’t, so a portion of your memory is kept unused indefinitely on “standby” while your game runs out of resources - result? Pink flashing/crashing. You can find out how to do it HERE it’s really not difficult! Well, this is what actually fixed it for me: setting my PC to automatically empty its Standby memory. General instability like random crashes are a related issue. Sometimes, it seems that even with all the fixes in place, it still happens, to some people more than others. We all know the dreaded pink flashing issue in TS2, so I don’t need to go on about it.